- Paramedics lay out the bodies of victims of the Mount Merapi eruption at a a hospital in the ancient city of Yogyakarta October 27, 2010. Mount Merapi, one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes, spewed out clouds of ash and jets of searing gas on Wednesday in an eruption that has killed at least 25 people and injured 14. (Getty Images / REUTERS/Stringer )
Yogyakarta (KATAKAMI / ANTARA) - The number of dead victims of Mt Merapi eruption rose Wednesday morning from 19 to 25, a health official said.
Public Relations officer of Dr Sardjito hospital in Yogyakarta, Heru Trisno Nugroho said on Wednesday that dead victims and the injured ones were now at the hospital.
He said the dead victims at Dr Sardjito hospital totaled 25 and those suffering from burns were recorded at 15.
Head of Sleman Health Service Mafirindati said earlier that all of the dead victims were found when rescuers combed the nearest village to the Indonesian most active volcano.
It was earlier reported that fifteen people were dead in Mount Merapi`s hot clouds on Tuesday with four of them found inside and 12 others outside the home of Mt Merapi caretaker Ki Surakso Hargo, popularly known as Mbah Maridjan.
Mbah Maridjan was also killed in the disaster.
Mount Merapi erupted on Tuesday evening, spewing hot clouds several times.
"Between 5.02 p.m. and 5.34 p.m. the volcano spewed hot clouds four times and right now hot clouds are coming out of the volcano again and again," Head of the Vulcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Centre Surono said.(*)